Written by
Taylor Victoria Holcroft
Date Created
Thursday 29 February 2024 at 21:34:00 UTC
Date Updated
Wednesday 20 March 2024 at 16:24:55 UTC
Sorry guys, I know that I promised something different...
Hey guys!!! It's Taylor here! So, just so you know, there will be a slight change in the programmation of the third episode of The Mysterious Life and Death. I actually had some problems with copyrights and I need to ask for authorisation which would take me forever, so, instead of having an episode on Michael Jackson, I will make an episode on King Arthur instead. Don't worry, there's still plenty of stuff to say about him. This is to come end of June. If you guys want to know more about the programmation, please head to the schedule section of this website! Alternatively, I will be opening the podcast section of this website close to June so if you guys want to roam on the topics I'll be talking about, the transcripts are set to come! Peace guys! 😘